What's it really like to be a student at our Academy?

Hannah Krawiec

September 2021, 200-hour Hatha student shares her journey so far…

Why did you decide to train to teach Yoga?

For many years I wanted to train to teach Yoga, but I didn’t believe I was “good enough”. I finally found my courage and inspiration while spending long hours in yet another job that I just didn’t find fulfilling. I decided to go for it! I also wanted to discover and learn more about the practice.

What were you doing before training to teach Yoga?

I’ve had many jobs in my life, each one ending up just being a means to an end. A few years ago, I found great joy in learning to teach English as a foreign language, but I knew it was not the kind of teaching I wanted to end up in. Yoga has always been my passion.

Photo credit: Matt Oaten

What has your training with the AFYT been like?

“The training has been like coming home! I have felt guided, supported and inspired every step of the way by Diane, Kara and the other teachers I have been lucky enough to meet. I really wanted to deepen my knowledge of Yoga. The wealth of information, from anatomy to history and spirituality, has been incredibly helpful and rewarding, including the introspective journey into my own personal practice.”
Photo credit: Matt Oaten

Have you been training alongside existing commitments and if so, how has the course enabled you to do both?

Having been given the attendance dates prior to committing, I was able to schedule to work full-time alongside the course. I decided to reduce my working hours for the final 10 weeks of the course because my job has sporadic hours and is demanding. I wanted to dedicate my final few months on the course to practising teaching as much as I could.

Do you think the course offers flexibility for anyone else seeking to train alongside their existing commitments?

Definitely! I was able to book off the necessary attendance days well in advance. Managing working alongside studying was challenging at first, but I learned how to find the balance.

As the course progressed, I was inspired to carve out as much time as I could to dedicate to my learnings! My daily life no longer revolves around my boring and tiring day job. Yoga now fuels my fire!

What have you discovered by training with AFYT?

That I am “good enough” to teach! That my doubts and fears were just mental and emotional blockages that needed to be cleared. It doesn’t matter if you can’t practice every pose. That’s not the point. The course has certainly challenged me. But alongside guiding me in venturing outside of my comfort zones, it has also deepened my knowledge, appreciation and respect for this ancient practice. It has raised my confidence and inspired me to take the next step.

Tell us about what it’s been like training alongside the other students.

“Our group instantly connected from day one! I have made life-long friendships and connections that I will always treasure. I feel so grateful to have found such a beautiful group of kind and caring people who have supported and helped each other every step of the way.”
Photo credit: Matt Oaten

What benefits do you think Yoga offers?

Most start Yoga for the physical benefits, but the mental and emotional rewards soon become apparent with a regular practice. Applying and incorporating the philosophy and spiritual teachings of Yoga, even at a minimal level, can be incredibly rewarding. Yoga does not stop when you leave the mat! With enough study and practice, it will enrich your life.

What did you find most difficult about the course?

Overcoming my self-doubt was incredibly challenging. The first few times standing at the front of the studio to teach were probably the hardest moments. But everyone was so supportive and helpful. Through Diane and Kara’s careful advice, as well as the support of my fellow course colleagues, I found my voice and started to discover the kind of teacher I want to be.

What did you find the most helpful aspect of your training ?

So much! But if I must pick one, I think it is the accumulative knowledge and experience of all the teachers, who are open to every single question that is asked of them. The balance of theory and practice was spot on, and the time available to ask questions was invaluable. Their openness, passion and precious time given was a real game-changer.

What one piece of advice would you give to anyone seeking to train with us?

“That you already have everything you need to take part in the course. Just do it! You don’t need fancy Yoga gear, the latest mat or a flashy Instagram page full of perfect Yoga selfies. Just show up with your passion for the practice… The rest will follow.”

What has the course taught you about yourself?

Many things! But the most interesting aspect has been discovering the kind of teacher I want to be. I had no clue when I started the course. But I eventually discovered a style of teaching that felt genuine to me. Teaching Yoga from a place of authenticity is incredibly rewarding in many ways, for both teacher and student.

What are your goals post-graduation?

I plan to start by teaching part-time within my local area - mainly adults looking for a gentle and mindful practice and possibly one to one. I really want to honour the traditional and spiritual aspects of Yoga in my teaching, alongside guiding students through the joys and benefits of the physical aspects. I also intend to combine teaching Yoga with energy-work and Reiki.

What has training with our Academy meant to you?

Rewarding, challenging and so unbelievably amazing! To be able to deepen my love of Yoga with such a lovely group of like-minded people! It’s positively changed my mindset, not only about my personal practice, but my way of life. I have loved the experience every step of the way and have made wonderful friends and beautiful memories.

Would you recommend this course to other colleagues or friends?


Has training at the Academy deepened your love of Yoga?

It certainly has! I have practised on and off for over 20 years, in the past often with an underlying element of competition and pressure, approaching it a little like a ‘sport’. The course taught me that Yoga is about meeting yourself where you are. Stepping outside of the ego is essential. Now I am kinder to myself in my Yoga practice and I find it so much more enjoyable and enriching!

What do you think of the course in general?

I personally have found it so enjoyable and fulfilling! I started the course not really knowing if I would become a teacher. I just wanted to give it a go and see where I landed. Really, I just wanted to do something “for me”. But it has taken me beyond a level I could have ever imagined myself at!

Will you be seeking to continue training at the Academy in styles such as Yin, Art of Adjustments, Menopause or Restorative Yoga?

Yes indeed! Adjustments and Restorative will be the next courses I join. I look forward to broadening my skillset and gaining further confidence as a teacher. That’s the beauty of Yoga – There’s always more to learn!