How to get your first yoga teaching job

So, you've completed your yoga teacher training, you're brimming with passion, and you're eager to share the transformative power of yoga with others.

The next step? Landing your first yoga teaching job!

While it may seem like a daunting task, with the right approach and some perseverance, you can find the perfect opportunity to kickstart your yoga teaching career.

In this blog post, we'll guide you through the process of getting your first yoga teaching job, step by step…

1. Create a Stellar CV

Just like any other job, your yoga teaching journey begins with a well-crafted CV.

Highlight your training, certifications, teaching experience (if any) and any specialisations you may have. Don't forget to include details on your yoga philosophy and teaching style, as well as what you can bring to a yoga class, to help personalise your application.

2. Build a Strong Online Presence

In today's digital age, an online presence is crucial. Create a professional yoga website, Instagram account or blog will allow you to showcase your expertise, post class schedules and share contact information.

Utilising social media platforms to their full advantage is key when it comes to sharing your passion and connecting with potential employers, so get your name out there!

3. Network and Attend Classes

Attend yoga classes at various studios in your area to network with other teachers and studio owners. Show your dedication by consistently participating in classes and engaging with the yoga community.

4. Offer Free Classes or Workshops

Consider offering free or donation-based classes or workshops in your community or at local gyms. This not only helps you gain teaching experience, but also builds your reputation as a dedicated yoga teacher.

Most classes build a following through word of mouth, so the more people you can reach, the more l likely they are to recommend you to their friends.

5. Substitute or Assist

Be open to substituting for other yoga teachers or assisting in classes. It's an excellent way to gain experience, become familiar with different teaching styles, and get your foot in the door at various studios.

6. Prepare a Teaching Demo

Many studios will ask you to perform a teaching demo as part of the hiring process. Prepare a thoughtful and engaging class plan that showcases your teaching skills, alignment cues and ability to connect with students.

7. Apply for Jobs

Keep an eye on job postings at local studios, gyms, community centres and wellness facilities.

Submit your CV and a well-crafted cover letter that explains why you're passionate about teaching yoga and how you can benefit their studio, include links to your online channels, and connect with studio accounts to build familiarity.

8. Be Open to Opportunities

Remember to be flexible and open-minded in your job search.

You may not land your dream position immediately, but teaching yoga in different settings, such as corporate wellness programs, schools, or rehabilitation centres can be rewarding and provide valuable experience.

9. Attend Yoga Conferences and Workshops

Yoga conferences and workshops are excellent places to network with other yoga professionals and potential employers.

You can learn from experienced teachers and make valuable connections, as well as enhancing your skills so that you can bring even more to a new role.

10. Stay Persistent and Patient

Landing your first teaching job may take time, so stay patient and persistent. Keep refining your teaching skills, continue your personal practice, and stay open to learning and growing.

11. Be Authentic

Remember that authenticity is key to becoming a successful yoga teacher.

Be true to your unique teaching style, philosophy, and values. Authenticity will resonate with students and potential employers.

12. Keep Learning

Commit to ongoing education. Attend yoga workshops, take advanced teacher training courses and explore different yoga styles to broaden your knowledge and teaching repertoire.

Finding Your Om in the Teaching World

Getting your first yoga teaching job is an exciting step on your yoga journey. It may take time and effort, but with persistence, dedication, and a genuine love for yoga, you'll find the perfect opportunity to share your passion and help others discover the many benefits of this ancient practice.

Embrace the journey, and remember that your first teaching job is just the beginning of a fulfilling and transformative career as a yoga teacher. Namaste!

Charlotte Stephens